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BUCEA signs a strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing Branch of Hua Xia Bank

On September 21, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Beijing Branch of Hua Xia Bank held a signing ceremony for the strategic cooperation agreement. The signing of strategic cooperation agreement will boost their cooperation in the financial area, support the development of the subordinate foundations and school-run enterprises, forestall and defuse financial risks, and provide quality and multi-dimensional financial services for the BUCEA.

LI Aiqun, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and Vice President of BUCEA, BAI Mang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee, Director of the Department of Development and Planning and Chairman of BUCEA Education Foundation, LI Daying, Secretary of CPC Committee and President of Beijing Branch of Hua Xia Bank, and CHEN Tong, member of CPC Committee and Vice President of Beijing Branch of Hua Xia Bank attended the signing ceremony.


LI Aiqun, Vice President of BUCEA, delivering a speech


LI Daying Delivering a speech


GAO Xiangmei, BUCEA special scholarship winner and undergraduate student of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, delivering a speech


BUCEA and Beijing Branch of Hua Xia Bank signing the strategic cooperation agreement


Beijing Branch of Hua Xia Bank donating 1 million RMB to BUCEA Education Foundation for student scholarships and grants


Awarding the donation certificate