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Six National First-Level Undergraduate Programs and Five Beijing Municipal First-Level Undergraduate Programs Newly Added

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the  Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Publishing the List of National and Provincial First-Level Undergraduate Programs in 2020  (JGTH [2021] No. 7), which identifies 6 programs of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA) (including Vehicle Engineering) as national first-level undergraduate programs and 5 programs of BUCEA (including Traffic Engineering) as Beijing municipal first-level undergraduate programs. Therefore, there are 12 national first-level undergraduate programs, accounting for around a third of the total undergraduate programs; and first-level undergraduate programs at the Beijing municipal level or above account for around a half of the total undergraduate programs at the university.

The List of Newly-Added National First-Level Undergraduate Programs in 2020


School name

Major name


Schoolof Mechanical-Electronic and Vehicle Engineering

Vehicle Engineering


School of Electrical and Informational Engineering

Computer Science and Technology


School of Electrical and Informational Engineering

Building Electrical and Intelligent Engineering


School of Environment and Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering


School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Urban and Rural Planning


School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Landscape Architecture

The List of Newly-Added Beijing Municipal First-Level Undergraduate Programs in 2020


School name

Major name


School of Civil and Transportation Engineering

Traffic Engineering


School of Environment and Energy Engineering

Energy and Power Engineering


School of Electrical and Informational Engineering



School of Urban Economics and Management

Construction Cost


School of Mechanical-Electronic and Vehicle Engineering

Mechanical-Electronic Engineering

To deeply practice the spirits of the National Education Conference and the National Conference on Undergraduate Education Work at Colleges and Universities in the New Era, constantly implement the principles of giving priority to undergraduate education and putting students first, and practically improve the undergraduate talent cultivation quality, in April 2019, the Ministry of Education launched a "Double Ten-Thousand Program" for the first-level undergraduate major construction and planned to build 10,000 national first-level undergraduate programs and 10,000 provincial first-level undergraduate programs within three years. In 2020, the second evaluation and selection event was carried out, in which 3,977 national first-level undergraduate programs and 4,448 provincial first-level undergraduate programs were identified in total.

The approval of the national and Beijing municipal first-level undergraduate programs marks a significant achievement made by the university in major construction and undergraduate talent cultivation. BUECA will seize the opportunity from the approval of the first-level undergraduate programs to earnestly implement the "Double Ten-Thousand Program" for the first-level undergraduate major construction. The approved first-level programs shall, based on new ideas, concepts, technologies, methods, standards, and systems, aim to offer a batch of high-quality first-level undergraduate courses and play an exemplary role in major reform and innovation, faculty, teaching resources, quality assurance system, and other aspects.